Are you looking for a flash fiction writing challenge? Then sign up for the Writers Weekly 24-Hour Short Story Contest! The Winter 2012 contest begins at 12 noon EST on January, 21st, 2012. At that time entrants will be given a contest topic and word limit and will have 24-hours to submit a completed short story that touches on that topic in some way.
With a 1st place prize of $300; 2nd place $250 and 3rd place $200, this contest has some of the highest pay rates for any flash fiction submissions anywhere. Plus there are 20 Honorable Mention awards and another 60 door prizes for anyone who enters.
This quarterly contest is one of the best ways to win a great prize with your flash fiction writing ability, and well worth the $5 entry fee. So do yourself a favor and commit to a 24-hour writing sprint on January 21st. But sign up fast, because registration is limited to only 500 participants!
While you’re at it, sign up for one of the best weekly writing resources out there: Writers Weekly.