Flash Fiction Flash: The Newsletter for Flash Literature Writers is a monthly newsletter edited by Pamelyn Casto, one of the gurus in the field of writing flash literature.
This newsletter features a list of paying flash fiction markets and contests, links to articles and interviews about writing and publishing flash, and publishing news.
Subscribe by sending a blank email to: FlashFictionFlash-Subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

It is a great way to stay connected with the latest markets and contests, and is a link to joining the FlashFiction-W, a thriving free online workshop that has been going strong for over 13 years now.
This is a rigorous online writing workshop where you can learn a lot and receive incredible feedback on your stories, but you must commit to writing and critiquing the work of others. I participated in this workshop a couple of years ago and it was a fantastic experience. If you are serious about the craft of writing flash literature and getting your work published, this is the workshop for you.
To register for FlashFiction-W send a blank subject header message to listserv@listserv.uta.edu and in the text section write only this: subscribe FlashFiction-W. There is a limited number of participants in this workshop and you must use your real name to join this list.