Flash Fiction Writing Articles
There is a lot of good information about writing flash fiction out there. Here are just a few of the good articles I’ve stumbled across over the years. Check them out!
What is Flash Fiction – wiseGEEK.com
What is Flash Fiction? From Cheek Teeth by Katey Schultz
10 Flash Fiction Writing Tips by J. Timothy King
6 Steps to Writing Flash Fiction by Paul Alan Fahey0
The Essentials of Micro-Fiction by Camile Renshaw
Article from Fiction Factor: The Online Magazine for Fiction Writers: Writing Flash Fiction by G.W. Thomas
Flash What? A Quick Look at Flash Fiction by Jason Gurley on writing-world.com
“What is Flash Fiction?”: Imagine You Were Born to Answer by Randall Brown
How to Write Flash Fiction by Robin Shreeves on How to Do Things.com
Flashes On The Meridian: Dazzled by Flash Fiction by Pamelyn Casto
How Writing Flash Fiction Can Help You Become a Better Writer by AJ Humpage
Flash Fiction FAQs by William Highsmith via Writer’s Digest.com